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Shopping With Brooke

The Idaho Period Project has a main goal on its website: END PERIOD POVERTY. Their initial project was installing 83 Aunt Flow free-vend dispensers in 32 East Idaho schools with a generous donation from a local agency. Since then, they donate Period Packs for vulnerable young women to have period products at home and especially during school breaks.

To this end, and as a non-profit with a limited budget, they are always looking for a good deal on period products. Enter Brooke Nelson, Vice President and Treasurer with the Idaho Period Project.

Brooke saw that Costco had boxes of tampons at $4 OFF each box! So she calculated how much money their group could spend on tampons and went shopping. She loaded up a flat cart with 115 boxes and headed to the checkout stand. And in Brooke’s own words:

“So, I head to the checkout with my cart of tampons, fielding strange looks from customers and employees, where I then learned I hadn't read the fine print - limit of 3 for the money off. I bought 3 and left the remaining product.

Over the next week, the Costco front-end manager had reached out to corporate and to P&G for an exception to the manufacturer’s coupon, which they granted (essentially, they are just writing it off). Then I went in and purchased all the other boxes at the discounted price, saving us $532!

The purchase was for 12,768 tampons, which will be enough for 850 of our monthly packs. We are currently serving around 1600 students.”

The best part of the story from Brooke was that in the process of loading up her cart and heading to pay, three different grown men asked her what product they needed – two of which were on calls with their wives! “She needs regular – you’ll get the yellow box.”

Brooke also shared that both she and her Mom are now known as “The Tampon Lady” at both Costco and Sam’s by front end management!

Making a difference -- one girl at a time.

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