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It Takes A Village


When we meet with a school to implement a pilot program for FREE period products IN girls' bathrooms, we always stress that refilling and monitoring the containers be given to a girl that wants to "change the world" or is a member of student government or honor

society. This way the stress is taken off the counselors, nurses or front desk. This also gives students some "skin in the game" and ensures that any vandalism is nipped in the bud. Girls do NOT want to lose access to period products!

The young women that take on this task are instrumental to the success of our pilot programs. We have also been introduced to some clever tactics to keep product stocked -- QR codes posted near the container or outside the restroom to alert those responsible that restocking is needed. We learn something new at every school we visit!

So thank you, you amazing young women, that help make this program a success! We are continuing to implement pilot programs school by school -- keeping our young women IN class and IN school.

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